Linux / macOS
Apps, Software Sites, Gaming
Linux Distros
We don't curate individual distros ourselves as we feel the indexes listed are good enough to stand on their own.
Linux Communities
- All Things Linux - Linux Discord Server
Linux Guides
- ↪️ Bash / CLI Cheat Sheets
- ArchWiki - Arch Linux Guide / Manuals / TUI
Linux System
- 🌐 Window Manager Index - List of Window Managers
- 🌐 Hardware for Linux - Linux Hardware Compatibility Database / Forum / GitHub
- 🌐 Hardware for BSD - BSD Hardware Compatibility Database / GitHub
- Btop, fastfetch, MangoHud, CPU-X, Macchina, Archey4, Hyfetch or s-tui - System Info / Resource Monitors
- TimeShift - System Restore / Backup
Wayland Compositors
- 🌐 Wayland Compositor Index - List of Wayland Compositors
- Hyprland - Wayland Compositor / Arch Wiki / Simple Config, 2
- Sway or SwayFx - i3-compatible Wayland Compositor / Arch Wiki
Linux Apps
- ↪️ Multi-Platform Readers - Ebook Reader Index
- Bottles - Manage Wine containers
- WineHQ - Wine Compatibility Database
- Q4Wine - Wine GUI
- AppImageLauncher or GearLever - Integrate AppImages to App Launchers
- winetricks - Wine Fixes
- rofi / Emoji Selector, Fuzzel, Ulauncher or wofi - App Launchers
- FreeRDP - Remote Desktop Client / GitHub
Software Sites
- 🌐 Rim's Linux Wiki, 2 - Linux Software / Tool Index / Discord
- 🌐 ArchWiki App Sites - Linux Software / Site Index
- 🌐 Awesome Linux - FOSS Linux Software
- 🌐 Awesome KDE - FOSS KDE Software
- 🌐 Awesome Gnome - FOSS GNOME Software
- 🌐 FOSS Software Packages - FOSS Software Packages Index
- Kapital Sin / Use Translator
- The Book of Secret Knowledge
- Linux Software CSE - Multi-Site Software Search
Linux Video
- mpv - Video Player
- Haruna or Celluloid - MPV Frontends
- Kdenlive / GitHub or Flowblade - Video Editors
Linux Audio
- 🌐 Awesome Linux Audio - Live Audio Resources
- SpotX-Bash, spotify-adblock or SpotifyNoPremium - Spotify Adblockers
- SongRec or Mousai - Song Identifiers
Linux Images
Linux Gaming
- 🌐 Awesome-ttygames - Unix ASCII Games
- 🌐 Are We Anti-Cheat Yet? - Anti-Cheat Game Database / GNU/Linux & Wine/Proton Compatibility
- Comprehensive Gaming Guide / 2 / 3 / 4 - Linux Gaming Guides
- protondb - Proton Compatibility / Steam Extension
- Lutris - Games Manager
- proton-ge-custom - Play Windows Games on Linux / Guide
- ProtonUp-QT - Install / Manage Proton-GE for Steam and Wine-GE for Lutris
- Kapital Sin - Linux Games / Use Translator
- Torrminatorr - Linux Games
- johncena141 - Linux Games / Search / Support
Linux Tools
Adblock / Privacy
- ↪️ Linux 2FA
- ↪️ DNS Adblocking
- Arch Security Wiki, Linux Hardening / 2 or How to Secure a Linux Server - Linux Security Guides
- SpoofDPI or zapret - DPI Circumvention
- CryptSetup, gocryptfs / GitHub or Tomb - File Encryption
Linux Internet
- qBittorrent / Tools, rTorrent / 2, Fragments, BitFlu, kTorrent / 2 - Linux Torrent Clients
- Soulseek - File Sharing App
- Linux WiFi Hotspot - Create WiFi Hotspots
File Tools
- 🌐 Linux File Backup - File Backup App List
- Warpinator, rQuickshare, Magic Wormhole, syncthing / Tray Support, portal, Zrok, Celeste / 2 / GitHub, Cattail or Sharing - File Sync / Transfer
- Baobab, lf, ranger, nnn, clifm, fm, Superfile, Joshuto, Filelight, dut, gdu or NCDU - Terminal File Manager / Disk Usage Analyzers
Android on Linux
Terminal / Shell
- 🌐 Awesome Shell, tldr or AltBox - Linux Shell Resources
- 🌐 Awesome TUIs, The Terminal Directory or TerminalTrove - List of TUIs
- ↪️ Linux Shell Index or Modern Unix
- Alacritty, Kitty, Simple Terminal, Wave, Ghostty, yakuake, emacs-eat or tabby - Linux Terminals Emulators
- Shell GPT, 2 - AI Terminal Chatbot / GPT
Ricing / Customization
- 🌐 Awesome Ricing - Linux Ricing Resources
- Elkowar's Wacky Widgets or Aylur's GTK Shell - Widgeting Systems
Mac Apps
- 🌐 The Terminal Directory - List of Terminal Emulators
- ↪️ Multi-Platform Readers - Ebook Reader Index
- gibMacOS or Mist - Download macOS
- Readdle - Multipurpose File Tool
- PeaZip, The Unarchiver, unxip or Keka - File Archivers
- qBittorrent - Torrent Client / Tools
- NearDrop or maestral - File Sharing Apps
- shottr, MagicCap or CleanShot - Screenshot Tools
- Aptonic - Mac Productivity App
- Alfred, Albert, Quicksilver, SOL or Raycast - Keystroke Launchers
- CustomShortcuts, Karabiner-Elements or ShortcutKeeper - Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
- alt-tab-macos - Alt-Tab for Mac
Software Sites
- 🌐 Rim's Linux Wiki, 2 - Linux Software / Tool Index / Discord
- 🌐 ArchWiki App Sites - Linux Software / Site Index
- 🌐 Awesome macOS, OpenSourceApple, Awesome Mac or Awesome OS Apps - FOSS App Indexes
- 🌐 Mac Menu Bar - Menu Bar App Index
- Homebrew / GUI, Munki, MacApps or Applite - Package Managers
Mac Gaming
- Torrminatorr - Mac Games
- Whisky - Automated Installer / Wrapper for Game Porting Toolkit + WINE
- AppleGamingWiki - Mac Game Fixes / Compatibility
- Goldberg - Steam Multiplayer Client Emulator
Mac Adblock / Privacy
- 🌐 Awesome OSX Security - Mac Security Resources
- ↪️ Mac 2FA
- ↪️ DNS Adblocking
- Malwarebytes, BlockBlock or KnockKnock - Antivirus
- SpotX-Bash or Mac_Spotify_Adblock - Spotify Adblockers