Adblocking / Privacy
Adblocking, Privacy, VPN's, Proxies, Antivirus
Don't run multiple general adblockers (e.g., uBlock Origin and AdGuard) simultaneously to avoid breakage. Combining general adblockers with tools like SponsorBlock is fine.
- ↪️ Spotify Adblockers
- ↪️ Twitch Adblockers
- ↪️ Bypass URL Redirects
- ↪️ Bypass Article Paywalls
- uBlock Origin or uBO Lite (MV3 compatible) - Adblocker / Redundant Extensions
- Report Issues - uAssets / Hosts / AdGuard / EasyList
- SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsored YouTube Ads / Script, 2 / Discord / (https://x.com/SponsorBlock) / GitHub
Adblock Filters
- LegitimateURLShortener - Query Parameter Cleaning Rules
DNS Adblocking
If your goal is to block browser ads, it's best to just stick with uBlock Origin, as additional filters can cause conflicts or anti-adblock.
- 🌐 DNS Providers - DNS Provider Index
- ↪️ DNS Filters / Blocklists
- ↪️ Free DNS Resolvers
- Pi-Hole - Self-Hosted DNS Adblocking / Subreddit / (https://x.com/The_Pi_Hole)
- Pi-Hole Tools - Filters / Anti-Telemetry / Tray App
- AdGuard Home - Self-Hosted DNS Adblocking / Balena-Adguard / GitHub / (https://x.com/adguard) / Telegram / Subreddit
- Mullvad DNS - DNS Adblocking / Filtering / Extension / GitHub
- YogaDNS - Custom DNS Client for Windows
Linux Adblocking
Mac Adblocking
Android Adblocking
iOS Adblocking
Antivirus / Malware
- 🌐 /r/Antivirus Index - Antivirus Tool Index
- ↪️ Site Legitimacy Check
- ↪️ Virtual Machines
- Malwarebytes - Antivirus / (https://x.com/malwarebytes)
- AdwCleaner - Anti-Adware / (https://x.com/malwarebytes)
- Security / Antivirus Multireddit - Reddit Communities
- FMHY SafeGuard - Detects if Current Site is Trusted / Untrusted
File Scanners
- 🌐 The Second Opinion, 2 - Portable Malware Scanners / Removal Tools / GitHub
- VirusTotal / Scan Results Guide, 2 or Hybrid Analysis - Online File Scanner
- VirusTotal Tools - CLI / Uploader / Lite Version
- ↪️ SMS Verification Sites
- ↪️ File Encryption
- ↪️ Drive Formatting / File Deletion
- /r/Privacy, /r/TheHatedOne or /r/privatelife - Privacy Discussion, News & Tools
- Tails / Telegram / GitHub, Whonix / Telegram / GitHub or Qubes / GitHub - Privacy-Based Operating Systems
Privacy Indexes
- Privacy Guides - Educational Guide / GitHub
- Digital Defense - Personal Checklist for Privacy & Security / GitHub
- Surveillance Self-Defense - Educational Guide
- The New Oil - Educational Guide / GitHub
- No Trace - Educational Guide / .onion
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide - Extensive Guide to Online Anonymity / GitHub
Network Security
- v2rayN - DIY Privacy Network
- Safing Portmaster - Network Monitor / DNS Resolver / Firewall / Discord / GitHub
- DNSveil - DNS Client / Guide / GitHub
Linux Privacy
Mac Privacy
Android Privacy
iOS Privacy
Web Privacy
- 🌐 Google Alt List, /r/degoogle, degoogle / GitHub or No More Google - Google App Alternatives
- ↪️ Chat Service Comparisons
- ↪️ Encrypted Messaging Apps / 2 / 3
- ↪️ Encode / Decode URLs
- PrivacySpy / GitHub or ToS;DR / Discord / GitHub - Sites Privacy Policies
- JustDeleteMe - Find / Terminate Old Accounts / GitHub
- Cryptomator / GitHub or Tahoe-LAFS / GitHub - Cloud File Encryption
Browser Privacy
- ↪️ Browser Comparisons
- Tor Browser, 2, 3 - Onion-Routed Browser
- Tor Resources - TG Downloads / Telegram / .onion / GitLab / GitHub
- Mullvad Browser - Tor Browser Fork (without Tor network) / GitHub
- arkenfox - Firefox Privacy Tweak / Video / GUI
Password Privacy / 2FA
- 🌐 2FA Directory - List of Sites with 2FA Support / GitHub
- ↪️ Password Managers
- Ente Auth - All Platforms 2FA / Discord / GitHub
- Aegis - Android 2FA / GitHub
- Stratum - Android 2FA / GitHub
- Have I Been Pwned Passwords - Password Breach Check
- Password Strength Chart / 2
Email Privacy
- ↪️ Temp Mail Sites - Create Temporary / Throwaway Emails
- ↪️ Email Aliasing - Create Permanent Anonymous Emails
- Have I Been Pwned? - Monitor Email Breaches
- Proton Mail - Encrypted Email / .onion / Subreddit / GitHub
Fingerprinting / Tracking
- CanvasBlocker - Prevent Canvas Fingerprinting
- CreepJS, webkay, browserrecon, TZP, Device Info, Cover Your Tracks or PersonalData - Tracking / Fingerprinting Tests
Search Engines
- 🌐 Search Engine Party - Privacy Search Engine Comparisons / GitLab
- 🌐 Instance Scores or Searx Index - Searx Instance Indexes
- searx.space / .onion or searx.be - SearXNG Instances / GitHub
- DuckDuckGo - Own Crawler + Third Parties / Shortcuts, 2 / Subreddit
For torrenting, it's recommended to use a paid rather than free VPN. Free VPNs are only really useful for things like viewing sites blocked by your ISP / country.
- 🌐 Techlore Chart - VPN Comparison Charts
- 🌐 VPN Relationships, 2 - VPN Relationship Chart
- /r/VPNs - Discussion Forum
- WARP - Free / Unlimited / CLI / Mobile Client / Desktop Client
- Windscribe - Has Free Plan / 10GB Monthly / Subreddit / GitHub
- Proton VPN - No Torrenting with Free Plan / Unlimited / Config Generation / Subreddit / Telegram / GitHub
- RiseupVPN - Free / Unlimited / Config CLI Script / GitHub
- AirVPN - Paid / .onion / GitHub / GitLab
VPN Tools
- How to Bind VPN to Client - Bind VPN to Client to Avoid ISP Letters
- WireGuard - VPN Tunnel / Setup Guide / Tools / Web UI / Source Code
Proxy Sites
Keep in mind many proxy sites log info like IP address, sites visited, etc. They're useful for unblocking sites, but not very useful for privacy.
- ↪️ Proxy Lists
- Incognito
- Alu / Discord
- Censorship Bypass Guide - Censorship Bypass Guide
- No Thought is a Crime - Internet Censorship Discussion
- zapret, GoodbyeDPI / GUI, PowerTunnel or Green Tunnel - DPI Circumvention Local Proxies